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Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps solutions (AZ-400T00-A)

This course provides the knowledge and skills to design and implement DevOps processes and practices.

Students will learn how to plan for DevOps, use source control, scale Git for an enterprise, consolidate artifacts, design a dependency management strategy, manage secrets, implement continuous integration, implement a container build strategy, design a release strategy, set up a release management workflow, implement a deployment pattern, and optimize feedback mechanisms.

Audience Profile: Students in this course are interested in designing and implementing DevOps processes or in passing the Microsoft Azure DevOps Solutions certification exam.


  • Introduction to DevOps
  • Plan Agile with GitHub Projects and Azure Boards
  • Manage Git branches and workflows
  • Collaborate with pull requests in Azure Repos
  • Explore Git hooks
  • Plan foster inner source
  • Manage Git repositories
  • Identify technical debt
  • Explore Azure Pipelines
  • Manage Azure Pipeline agents and pools
  • Describe pipelines and concurrency
  • Implement a pipeline strategy
  • Integrate with Azure Pipelines
  • Introduction to GitHub Actions
  • Learn continuous integration with GitHub Actions
  • Design a container build strategy
  • Create a release pipeline
  • Explore release recommendations
  • Provision and test environments
  • Manage and modularize tasks and templates
  • Automate inspection of health
  • Introduction to deployment patterns
  • Implement blue-green deployment and feature toggles

And more: https://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/training/courses/az-400t00

Learning methods: Practical exercise, independent work.

Assesment methods: Execution of independent work.
Assesment form: Independent practical tasks on relevant topics.

Gunnar Peipman
BCS Koolituse partnerlektor. Gunnar on ASP.NET, Azure ja SharePointi huviline, Estonian Microsoft kasutajate grupi liider, blogija, õppejõud ja tehnikahuviline. Alates 2008. aastast on ta Microsoft MVP ja spetsialiseerunud ASP.NET-ile.

Price includes:

  • coffee breaks and lunch
  • Free Microsoft certification exam within the period of 6 months after finishing the course

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Designing and Implementing Microsoft DevOps solutions (AZ-400T00-A)

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