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Cloud services – legal issues and case-law

The aim of the training is to provide knowledge of the dangers and risks of using cloud services and how to mitigate them. The focus of the training is on real-life legal problems that arise when consuming cloud services (as a client) and providing cloud services (as a service provider). The training participant can distinguish the important from unimportant and navigate in the most relevant legal issues.

The use of cloud services and storing data in the cloud has become increasingly popular and has become essential for many companies’ data management. While cloud technologies are valued for their convenience, speed, performance, and flexibility, attention must be paid to several important factors when using cloud services. What are the dangers of storing data in the cloud? Why and what security measures must be implemented when using cloud services? Who is responsible for providing high-quality and proper service? What should be taken into account regarding data protection and GDPR? What is the case law?

Target group:
Cloud service providers, cloud service users, lawyers, and anyone interested in this topic


  • Cloud services – legal issues and case-law
    • Cloud service agreements are long and dragging. How can I as a customer understand what to pay attention to and what is less important?
    • As a cloud service provider, how do I know how to regulate the most important aspects correctly?
    • Who owns the rights to data and documents stored in a cloud solution?
    • What happens when the contract ends? Who is responsible and how if something is lost?
    • What is SLA (Service Level Agreement) and what should be agreed upon there?
    • Can and how can personal data be stored in a cloud solution?

Henri Ratnik LEXTAL Law firm, Attorney at Law
Henri works mainly in the field of IT law and fintech, primarily advising on IT solutions, fintech, intellectual property and data protection (GDPR) issues. Henri also advises clients regarding medical law. In 2017, Henri graduated from the University of Tartu with a master’s degree in law; in 2016-2017, he completed his studies at Aarhus University in Denmark. In 2018, Henri obtained an additional master’s degree cum laude in IT law at the University of Tartu. Before joining LEXTAL, Henri gained experience in another law firm. Henri is a member of the good practice committee of Finance Estonia’s lenders and intermediaries. Previously, Henri has participated in the international Willem C. Vis commercial law practice court competition and has been active in the law students’ association ELSA Estonia. Henri considers accuracy and thoroughness to be important in his work. In his free time, Henri likes to play music.

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Cloud services – legal issues and case-law

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