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Practical Leadership Skills Training

The course will teach you how to change the role of a specialist to the role of a leader as effortlessly as possible.

It is quite common for a good specialist to become a leader within an organization. The new role requires a lot of different knowledge and skills to be successful.

In this course, we will talk about the functions and core competences of a leader in a modern organization. What are the obstacles ​​that a leader has to deal with in everyday management situations? How to manage teamwork effectively? How to assign and delegate tasks?

To understand the differences between the roles of a specialist and leader and be prepared to meet the challenges that come with it. Acquire knowledge of the basic competences required for a leader and develop team management skills.

Target group:
Professionals who have become or are about to become managers and managers who want to improve their management skills.


  • 09.45–10.00 Gathering and morning coffee
  • 10.00–11.30 The functions and core competences of a leader in a contemporary organization
    • What are successful leaders like?
    • Different managerial and leadership styles
    • Sources of power and influence (structural power, knowledge, moral/values and charisma)
    • Principles of assertiveness; avoiding unassertive and over-assertive behavior
    • The various needs of employees’ and their connection to productivity
    • Motivation theories
    • When can we talk about management and when should we talk about leadership?
  • 11.30–11.45 Coffee break
  • 11.45–13.15 Leader as bearer of organizational values
    • Using the values in solving everyday managerial situations and dilemmas
    • Typical management dilemmas
    • The interests of the team vs organizational needs; the specialist roles vs the role of a manager; friendly relations vs discipline and results
    • Cultural differences in organizations
  • 13.15–14.00 Lunch
  • 14.00–15.30 Importance of delegating, its relation with motivation and manager’s personal effectiveness
    • Main reasons of lack of delegation
    • Main principles and mistakes of delegating. Steps of delegation
    • Different delegation levels and importance of maintaining the same level during delegation and implementation
    • Whom to delegate? What needs to be, can and cannot be delegated?
  • 15.30–15.45 Coffee break
  • 15.45–17.00 The importance of giving and receiving feedback
    • What helps and what hinders feedback?
    • General principles of giving feedback. Giving Feedback Model (3-step message)
    • Receiving Feedback Model
    • Typical reactions and attitudes of managers, which hinder receiving important information from employees
    • Summary of the training. Personal development plan

Learning outcomes.
As a result of the training, the participant:

  • knows the different functions of a manager in managing both processes and people;
  • knows the difference between management and leadership and how the different components of leadership are related to greater employee motivation and productivity;
  • knows one’s own management style preference and knows the potential impact of different management styles on employee satisfaction;
  • is aware of the influence of the leader’s attitudes and values ​​on the organizational culture and the work mood of the unit;
  • is able to perform work tasks correctly;
  • knows the advantages and challenges of using teamwork and the principles;
  • is able to prepare a personal development plan for oneself as a leader.

Learning methods: Interactive lecture, discussions, group work, role play, situation analysis

Dmitri Volov is a consultant-trainer and the founder of DVSP Consulting since 2005. He graduated from the Faculty of Economics of the University of Tartu in 1996 with a degree in banking and marketing. Dmitri has worked in various banks, mainly in the corporate banking. In addition to the financial sector, he has also worked in various industrial companies as a sales and marketing director and business manager. Dmitri holds various international trainer certificates – DiSC Consultant Certificate (issued by Inscape Publishing), Persona Consultant Certificate (issued by Persona Global). These certificates allow the use of international development tools (behavioral profiles, competency analyzes and organizational research) in both training and consulting activities. Since 2012, Dmitri Volov and Invicta have also started cooperating with the English training group Hemsley Fraser, one of the 20 best training companies in the world.

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Practical Leadership Skills Training

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